A major step forward towards World Heritage inscription
In exactly four days, the 39th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will take place in Bonn, Germany. Among the candidate applications that will be examined on that day, « Coteaux, houses and cellars of Champagne » is one of the most promising. The whole Champagne region now holds its breath waiting for the Committee’s decision. The region has supported this application for 8 years now, since it was made official.
If the « Coteaux, houses and cellars of Champagne » got to integrate UNESCO World Heritage, they would count among the 1007 cultural objects that already compose this coveted list. And it seems to be on the right track, according to the latest news. Indeed, the outcome of a preliminary study led by ICOMOS, an independent consultative organisation, has recently been published. It is now official, this organisation recommends the inclusion of the « Coteaux, houses and cellars of Champagne » on the UNESCO list of world heritage.
This is a big step forward and a significant asset that will carry weight in the Committee’s final decision.